Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Found photos - 2

They look like sisters to meThe parents are peering out the windowI wonder what the entertainment wasA fabulous wooden horseWhen people took pride in their appearanceFur coats - a status symbol of the time
Chickens with, I fear, an unhappy future.Can you spot the one 'mover' in the crowd?Such a lovely smile, which shows in her eyes tooThe curtseySuch a sweet little dress (and the girl too)Whoof whoof
A jackass (or a reasonable facsimile thereof)A long haired bathing beautyOh look!  This woman is headed to North CarolinaAn angel of a babyTeenage girls and lipstick never go out of styleSchool graduation
A shy smileLook at those tiny waists!A kittySuch a beautiful blouseSix-Shooter Junction novelty store in Hempstead, Texas.  Print developed in April 1954.Annie S. Additon wearing feathers and fur

Found photos - 2, a set by sctatepdx on Flickr.

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