Monday, January 7, 2013

Aparatos anteriores al cine

005- Disco de Fenaquistiscopio-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.006- Disco de fenaquistiscopio-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.007- Disco de fenaquistiscopio-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.008- Disco de fenaquistiscopio-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.003-fenaquistiscopio-via todocoleccion.net002- Thaumotropo- Tarjeta de caballo y jinete-principios del siglo XIX-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
001- Thaumotropo- Tarjeta de caballo y jinete-principios del siglo XIX-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford009-Zoetrope 1867-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.010-Tiras de imagenes para Zoetrope 1867-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.011-Choreutoscope, 1866-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.012-Praxinoscope, por Emile Reynaud, Francia, c.1877-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.016-Kinora, de Kinora Ltd, Londres, entre 1898 y 1914-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.
015-Flip Book, por Eggers T.W, Nueva York, 1897-© 2012 Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.017-Kinora via via todocoleccion.net004-fenaquistiscopio- via Museu del Cinema. Girona014-Praxinoscopio-via Museu del Cinema. Girona

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