Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vintage Stereoviews =view

All by Themselves =viewLion Tamer and Lions, Hagenbach's =viewCorn Palace of 1890Submarine Diver, Lake Superior 1870's =viewSnow Gallery Central Pacific RailroadA slightly damaged house
Diablerie by BK ParisParis Exposition 1900 =stereoGreat Laxey WaterwheelStock Exchange, New York 1860'sMoulin Rouge =stereoCatacombs, Monk Praying =view
The Moon published by Joseph L. Bates 1860'sButchering a WhaleStereo Photographer above New YorkBed of Spikes =view# 592 Harrison Avenue from Chestnut st. Leadville(Colorado) by W.H. Jackson Denver, Colorado# 318 Suspension Bridge at Niagra, from Toll Gate. 1862  John P. Soule
All Trumps!!, Monks Drinking & Playing Cards 1850's  =stereoKenilworth Castle =viewHalf Dome and Merced RiverMaking Gobelins Tapestry =viewUnderwood and Underwood-No Title-The Guardian Spirit

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