Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Libro de Horas de Catherine de Cleves

005-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 -MSS M.917 p. 120-M.945 f. 47r- © The Morgan Library & Museum006-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol 90r- © The Morgan Library & Museum007-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol 90r-detalle- © The Morgan Library & Museum008-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MSS M.917p. 180-M.945 f. 97r -© The Morgan Library & Museum009-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MSS M.945 f. 97r- detalle del purgatorio-© The Morgan Library & Museum010-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol.105v-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum
011-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - M.917, p. 29-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum012-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.917 pp 52-53-© The Morgan Library & Museum013-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.917 p. 62-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum014-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - p. 72-M.945 f. 109 R-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum015-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MSS M.945 f. 115v -© The Morgan Library & Museum016-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MSS M.917 p. 44-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum
017-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 Fol.139r-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum019-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol. 142V-detalle 2-© The Morgan Library & Museum018-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol. 142V-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum020-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol.168V-detalle-© The Morgan Library & Museum021-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol.168V-detalle 1-© The Morgan Library & Museum022-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440 - MS M.945 fol.168V-detalle 2-© The Morgan Library & Museum
001-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440-  MS M.945 ff. 1v–2r- © The Morgan Library & Museum002-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440-  MS M.945 fol. 1v-detalle- © The Morgan Library & Museum004-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440-  MS M.945 ff. 35v–36r- © The Morgan Library & Museum003-The Hours of Catherine of Cleves- alrededor de 1440-  MS M.945 ff. 23v–24r - © The Morgan Library & Museum

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