Thursday, January 31, 2013

Greco-Roman Mythology

Nymph trying to escape from a satyr Roman 2nd century CE copy of 2nd or 1st century BCE Greek original found near Tivoli, Italy (2)Nymph trying to escape from a satyr Roman 2nd century CE copy of 2nd or 1st century BCE Greek original found near Tivoli, Italy (5)Nymph trying to escape from a satyr Roman 2nd century CE copy of 2nd or 1st century BCE Greek original found near Tivoli, Italy (4)Nymph trying to escape from a satyr Roman 2nd century CE copy of 2nd or 1st century BCE Greek original found near Tivoli, Italy (3)Nymph trying to escape from a satyr Roman 2nd century CE copy of 2nd or 1st century BCE Greek original found near Tivoli, ItalyHerakles with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos Lebanon (2)
Herakles eyes the serpent guarding the apples of Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos LebanonHerakles with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos Lebanon (3)Herakles with the Apples of the Hesperides Roman 1st century CE from a temple at Byblos LebanonFull length view of the Bateman Mercury 2nd century CE Roman copy of 4th century BCE Greek originalCloseup portrait of the Bateman Mercury 2nd century CE Roman copy of 4th century BCE Greek originalSiren Greek made in Taras South Italy 350-300 BCE Terracotta and pigment
Siren Greek made in Taras South Italy 350-300 BCE Terracotta and pigment (3)Siren Greek made in Taras South Italy 350-300 BCE Terracotta and pigment (2)Leda and the Swan Roman copy of Hellenistic original 1 - 100 CE MarbleLeda and the Swan Roman copy of Hellenistic original 1 - 100 CE Marble (2)The Roman Muse of Mimes Polyhymnia from Cremna (in present day Turkey) 200 CE Marble pigment and goldCloseup of Mars with the face of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and Venus of Capua with the face changed at a later date to represent the Empress Lucille, wife of the Roman Emperor Lucius Verus Roman first created 120-140 CE then modified 170-175 CE Marble
Ttête-à-tête between Mars with the face of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and Venus of Capua with the face changed at a later date to represent the Empress Lucille, wife of the Roman Emperor Lucius Verus Roman first created 120-140 CE then modified 170-175 CE Mars with the face of the Roman Emperor Hadrian and Venus of Capua with the face changed at a later date to represent the Empress Lucille, wife of the Roman Emperor Lucius Verus Roman first created 120-140 CE then modified 170-175 CE MarbleVenus and Cupid Roman 1st-2nd century CE Marble from the Richelieu CollectionBacchus from the Richelieu collection Roman 2nd century CE MarbleNarcissus by Paul Dubois French 1865 CE MarbleCloseup of Narcissus by Paul Dubois French 1865 CE Marble

Greco-Roman Mythology, a set by mharrsch on Flickr.

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