Monday, February 4, 2013

Pintura tibetana: Los Thangkas

001- Un mandala de la Samvara yi-dam. Pintado en textil-© The Trustees of the British Museum001a- Un mandala de la Samvara yi-dam. Pintado en textil-detalle-© The Trustees of the British Museum002-El Vajravarahi Dakinis. Pintado en textil.-comienzos del siglo XVI-© The Trustees of the British Museum003-Una barra de tareas mandala. Pintado en textil.siglo XVIII-© The Trustees of the British Museum004-El Mahasiddha Dril-bu-pa, llevando Ghanta y Damasu-© The Trustees of the British Museum005-Thang Kha. Religiosa. Rol-dor pai-je. Pintado en textil-siglo XIX-© The Trustees of the British Museum
006-Thang Kha. Mandala Vasudhara. Painted on textile-detalle. siglo XV-© The Trustees of the British Museum007-thang-ka . Tema religioso con la rueda de la vida-siglo XIX-© The Trustees of the British Museum008-Thang Kha. Religiosa. Tsong Kapa.-© The Trustees of the British Museum009-Thang Kha. Religiosa. El Yamantaka Dharmapala. Bordado en textil.-siglo XVII-© The Trustees of the British Museum010-Thang Kha. Religiosa. Padmasambhava. Pintado en textil.-siglo XVIII-© The Trustees of the British Museum011-17th century Central Tibeten thanka of Guhyasamaja Akshobhyavajra, Rubin Museum of Art-via Wikimedia Commons
012-Siglo 18-Tibet-E Tara Verde- Rubin Museum of Art013-Bhutanese painted complete mandala, 19th century, Seula Gonpa, Punakha, Bhutan-Wikimedia Commons014-Bhutanese painted thanka of Guru Nyima Ozer, late 19th century, Do Khachu Gonpa, Chukka, Bhutan-Wikimedia Commons015-14th century Tibetan thangka painting of mandalas-Wikimedia Commons016-13th century Tibetan thangka painting Old Green Tara-Wikimedia Commons017-Painted 19th century Tibetan mandala of the Naropa tradition, Vajrayogini stands in the center of two crossed red triangles, Rubin Museum of Art
018-018-17th century Tibetan -Five Deity Mandala-in the center is Rakta Yamari embracing his consort Vajra Vetali,-Rubin Museum of Art019-The Dhyani Buddha Akshobhya, Tibetan thangka, late 13th century, Honolulu Academy of Arts020-Bhutanese Drukpa applique Buddhist lineage thonka with Shakyamuni Buddha in center, 19th century, Ruben Museum of Art

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